Darkovia Werewolf vs Werewolf Coliseum Fights (Released ).AdventureQuest 3D Version 1.66.0 (Released).
The Bloodmoon - Darkovia Saga Finale! (Released ). ShadowSlayer X Quests (To obtain final ShadowSlayer set). AdventureQuest 3D version 1.68 "Big Unity Update" Released uh. Lich Gear Quests in the Tower of Necromancy (Released ). Unlucky Charms! Our Lucky Day fight (Released ). April Fool's Day 2021 (Released April 1st, 2021) "Nothing to see here, please move on.". Seasonal Egg Hunt Returns (Released April 2, 2021). AdventureQuest version 1.69.0 (Released ). Sandsea Part 2: The desert and Sekt (Released ). Sandsea weapon side quests & heat damage. ADVENTUREQUEST 3D RUNES UPDATE
Treasure Chest update (Released April 21, 2021). Sandsea Part 3: The Undying King and Sand Skiff (Released ). Dage's Undead Legion Collection 2021 (Release. Legion vs Paladin Assault Map (Released ). New Legion vs Paladin Quests & Rewards (Released ). Sandsea Saga Part 4: The Rebellion (Released ). Crocos Challenge & 25+ pets in Sandsea (Released June 14, 2021). Summer Shark Attack & 2021 Collection (Release June 22, 2021). Sandsea Saga Part 5 "The Sand Witch" (released July 1, 2021). Desert Ruins Challenge (released July 8, 2021). Sandsea Saga Part 6: Keeper of the Sand Pyramid (released July 15, 2021). Sandsea Saga part 7 "Sandshark Week" (released July 22, 2021). New Sandsea Daily Boss Map - Spikorax (released August 3, 2021). Friday the 13th - Cabin in the Globe (Released August 12, 2021). Sandsea Saga part 8 "The Djinn's Labyrinth" (released August 18, 2021). The Djinn's Challenge "Labyrinth of Persistence" (released August 24, 2021). Kittarian (feline) and Zobekian (croc) head morphs! (released August 31, 2021). Previous TLAPD collections return and new sets arrive in the Chest Shop (released Sept 8, 2021). Talk Like a Pirate Day (released Sept 16, 2021). Alpha Pirate Fiend set added to the Talk Like a Pirate Day 2021 Collection (Released Sept 23, 2021). Sandsea Saga Finale (Released Sept 23, 2021). Battle Arena - PVP (Released Oct 6, 2021). 2021 Mogloween Collection (Released Oct 21, 2021). Masquerade Ball (Released October 28, 2021). Skorpienne Raid (Released November 2, 2021). Advanced Sandstorm Captsone Rewards (Released November 9, 2021). Blaze's Birthday Bonfire (Released November 17, 2021). Black Friday (Released November 23, 2021). Cyber Monday (Released November 26, 2022). Return of Frostval maps and shops (Released December 21, 2021). Darkon's Debris Birthday Shop 2021 Update (Released December 8, 2021). Frostfang social district event (Released December 15, 2021). New PvP Map and Frostval Rewards (Released December 20, 2021). Gift'thulu and Gifting Leaderboard (Released December 20, 2021). Frostval 2021 Collection (Released December 22, 2021). ADVENTUREQUEST 3D RUNES FREE
Free Blinding Axe of Frostval (Released December 29, 2021). Winnie's Birthday! shop update (Released January 5, 2022). New Daily Chest and PvP Reward armor sets (Released January 11, 2022). New Emotes! (Released January 11, 2022).
Enter the MoistVerse - Event with Special Guest MoistCr1TiKaL (Permanent Content! Released January 28, 2022). Lunar New Year: Year of the Tiger shops and quest (Released February 2, 2022). The Westmere Saga part 2: Westmere Mine (Released February 24, 2022). Heroes Heart Day 2022 (Released February 16, 2022). Dage 2022 Collection (Released March 9, 2022). Lucky Day event (Released March 16, 2022). Legion Fidg'it Spi'nar quest and craft (Released March 23rd, 2022). Siege Of Souls PvP (Released March 30 2022). April Fowls Day ChickenCow Invasion (Released March 31st, 2022). Earth Day 2022 (Released April 20th, 2022). The Grenwog is real! (Released April 14, 2022). May the Fourth event (Released May 4, 2022). Friday the 13th: The Transdimensional Crystal (Released May 12, 2022). Friday the 13th - Voltaire Edition: Return to Skullpunch Island (Released May 26, 2022). Nulgath's Saga Begins! ( Part 1 Happening Now!). Now the entire team can post what they are working on and you can see our progress in real timeĬheck it out at COMING NEXT & HAPPENING NOW Thus, behold the transparent weekly updated game plan! NEW TRELLO BOARD! We have a long history of building our games alongside our amazing community. The latest news on our world, which is alive and growing under your feet as you play it.